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Writing Workshops & Guest Speaking

Workshops & Presentations

Here’s a sampling of past workshops and presentations.

“Think Like a Speaker; Write Like a Writer” – This presentation celebrates what speakers do well and shows how to transfer those strengths into writing tricks that make their presentation work on the page.

“A Whale Is Not a Shark: A Look At The Difference Between Speeches and the Written Word” – While they might seem similar on the surface, this presentations delves into the distinction between writing for the ear and writing for the eye.

“The 4 Truths of Writing” – Whether you’ve written your first book or your fiftieth, some things never change. This presentation walks writers through some “truths” about writing that seem to be constant no matter if you’re a beginner or otherwise

“I’ve Written My Book! Now What?” – You didn’t think you could do it—but you did! You finished your manuscript? Now what? This workshop takes a deep dive into those next steps of turning your first draft into a polished finished product.

“You’re Not Ready! A Workshop on the Path to Publication” – Typing The End on that last page of your manuscript is cause for celebration. But is it ready to publish? NO! This workshop walks writers through all the considerations (and steps) to be taken before they hit send on that manuscript.

“Your Words Matter” – An artist residency for high school-aged students that uses writing as a tool to explore and uncover what matters to them.

red shoes keynotes

Need an energizing speaker for your next event? Using humor, real-life experiences and a pair of red shoes, I provide keynotes that give your organization or event that Red Shoes leap into empowerment with a motivating and engaging message.

let’s get started

Not sure which service is right for you? No problem. Schedule a complimentary consultation and I’ll help you figure out what you and your writing project need most.

See the “red shoes” in actions!

Here are some excerpts taken from a virtual presentation of “Think Like a Speaker; Write Like a Writer.”
